Saturday, September 8, 2012

Top five questions wanna answer??  :)

1.What is the biggest risk you are prepared to take?
2.If you really love someone, what is the most extreme thing you would do for that person?
3.If you have 1 million dollars, what would you do with it?
3.Has your greatest fear ever come true?
4.If you have one day left to live, what would you do?
5.What gets you excited to get up early?
   i'll be waiting for your answers people.... 

               xoxo  :D

Monday, August 13, 2012

aNyOnE WhO ThInkS
SuNsHiNE Is pUrE HApPiNeSs,
hAs neVer dAnCeD iN RaIn....

                                                      xoxo, vinita.....   (^_^)

SoMeTiMeS GoD DoEsN'T gIvE YoU 
ThAt yOu tHInK YoU WaNt,
NoT BeCaUsE YoU DoN't dEsErVE It
bUt BeCaUsE YoU DeSeRvE MoRe....  

Friday, April 20, 2012

hello people...
the weather is terrible, its too hot. 
some tips you all can follow in these days...
1. wear light clothes.
2.drink lots of water (don't drink very cold water, you might fall sick)
3.drink home-made fruit juice. healthy food, avoid road-side junk food.
5.wear sunglasses and take an umbrella with you to protect your skin.
 some tips for you all , hope it works...
                                                                       Vinita  ♥♥xoxo♥♥

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Nice Thought :   ''Sometimes God Doesn't Give You What You Think You Want,
                                    Not Because You Don't Deserve It But Because You Deserve

                                                                                    Vinita  ♥♥XOXO♥♥

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Helloooo... everyone.
watsssup? today day quite good...
have a good day guyes...
so... bye, see ya....

                 vinita ♥♥xoxo♥♥

today's day...

hy, everyone...
today was a fine day, my sister,mom and i went to one of my aunts house for lunch.
now a days my vacations are going on...we got back home at 6:15pm.
now i sat on my comp. to do internet. well... today i hope it rains at night  cuz if it rains then the weather would become 'COOL'  (^_^)  .

     well.... bye for now , see ya guyes!
                                                                        vinita ♥♥xoxo♥♥

Monday, April 9, 2012


I'm a simple girl whose life is full of new events. well.. my name is Vinita
today i'm straing with my bolg. I will be glad to share my life with my friends.

                                                                                       vinita♥♥ xoxo ♥♥